Article written by Yung Mei Ling

British fish and chips turned her into a fat girl 

An old colleague writes a letter asking for WONG YUNG 

Love, gratitude and praise cannot be kept in the heart 

I'm surprised I can still remember Chinese!  I thought I must be having a hard time writing. Imagine how long it's been since I've used Chinese!
Luckily, I believe I've gained the skills from reading scripts in recent months (hehe, I asked my mother for the word "lead")
I'm getting closer to Chinese again.

For a girl who left Hong Kong in primary school to settle in England, I hope you won't be too critical of her Chinese. I'm afraid I can't cope with writing a full piece, so I'll have to piece it together. I'll just throw together a few random tidbits to talk about.

The last time my mum came back from England to visit me, she patted my face with pain and said I had lost a lot of weight. I was happy that I was no longer a fat girl. It was the British fish and chips that made me a fat girl, and I had been a fat girl for a long time.

I think back to the time when I wanted to be thin, but my mouth wanted to chew! I was a glutton for punishment and I had a craving for food. I still miss the fresh cream cakes and the rich milk in England.

I didn't cry when I hurt my eye on a film shoot, I didn't cry when I was worried about disfigurement, but I did cry when I felt helpless in the dead of night. Do you miss your family every time the festive season rolls around?

The other day I received a letter from an old colleague asking me for a signed photo of Wong Yung! These ghosts know WONG YUNG too.

When I used to work in a textile company in the UK, they used to be so crazy,  they organize dress-up parties, where the men would put cups on their chests to look like women and the women would put pillows on their hips to look like meatballs. Some of us wash our hair with coke or put cream on our faces, and we all have a good time. Back in Hong Kong, I don't know why, but I don't feel so free to play anymore. I wish I could just let it all go.

When I got home this evening, my mother had left me a bowl of cold soup. I thought to myself, "I'm grateful for her care, but I didn't say anything. When I got back to my room, I played the phone records while drinking the soup to see who had called. One of the calls was from a girl I met when I was a finalist for Miss Hong Kong last year, and she left a message saying that there was nothing special, but she just rang to say hello. I felt a warmth in my heart. If she hadn't called, how would I know she still remembered me? With that in mind, I ran out of the living room to thank my mother for taking care of me all these days. Yes, words of love, gratitude, apology and praise don't stay in your heart, how do people know if you don't say them?

Source: Screenplay Series 1. p13 / published by Starlight Books
The Fairy of the World - P35-37 / Commemorating the first anniversary of the death of Yung Mei Ling



舊同事寫信索WONG YUNG 劇照





不舒服時才最思家,那一次拍戲弄傷了眼,痛我沒哭;擔心毀容我沒哭,偏偏就是夜闌人靜,我感到無依無助時,淚水就湧出來了。每逢佳節倍思親? 錯。

日前收到舊同事的信,居然向我索張簽名的黃蓉劇照! 這些鬼仔倒也認識 WONG YUNG 呢。



心裏一陣暖洋洋,多麼長情的人。若她不來電話,我又怎知她仍記掛著我?想到這,我一陣衝動,忙跑出客廳,多謝契媽這些日子照顧我。 不錯,愛意,感激,道歉,讚美等話不能留在心裏,你不說,人家怎知道?


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