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Danny Dan played together with Yung Meiling in de series The Legend of the Hero of the Eagle, The Sandwich Man, The Legend of Chu Liu Xiang (The Bat) and The rough ride.
Lau Dan (English: Danny Lau Dan, 13 January 1944 - ), formerly known as Lau Hing-ki, is a Hong Kong actor and programme host, winner of the Grand Award for Outstanding Performing Arts in the "Million Starlight Awards 2019". In 1980, he became well known for his role as Fung King-yiu in the TV series Shanghai Tang, and in 1983, he played the role of Hong Qi Gong in The Legend of the Eagles, making him a household name, and he has since played this role in many other series. His other representative works include "True Love", "The Eagle of the Dragon" and "Love - Home Series". In 2013, he was nominated for the Best Actor Award at the "Thousand Stars Awards 2013" for "Love - Going Home (Part 1)", and again in 2020 and 2021 for "Love - Going Home - Express". He was nominated for Best Actor in 2020 and again in 2021 with "Love - Home Express".
Interview 2012
劉丹(英語:Danny Lau Dan,1944年1月13日-),原名劉慶基,籍貫山東省威海,香港男演員及節目主持,《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2019》萬千光輝演藝人大獎得主。1977年加入香港無綫電視,並於1970年代兼任配音及導配工作,是著名配音員及演員龍天生之前輩[5]。1980年在電視劇集《上海灘》中飾演馮敬堯,為人熟知。1983年在《射鵰英雄傳》中扮演洪七公,令其家傳戶曉,以至之後在多個劇集中演繹這個角色。其他代表作包括《真情》、《神鵰俠侶》、《愛·回家系列》等。於《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2019》獲頒「萬千光輝演藝人大獎」。2013年憑《愛·回家 (第一輯)》於《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2013》入圍最佳男主角。2020年及2021年憑《愛·回家之開心速遞》再次於《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2020》及《萬千星輝頒獎典禮2021》入圍最佳男主角。
Memories of Weng Meiling
Lau Dan (Hung Qi Gong): Weng Mei Ling is very cute, we would hug and kiss her when we started work in the morning. She was a fast learner and she knew everything in no time when she was filming. She's also very crazy when she's playing. I worked with her in a few films before and after that, so we got to know each other very well. I remember when we were filming The Master's Execution, there was a time when I was shooting on location in the suburbs of Sai Kung with Mabel Weng and Miu Kiu Wai, and we didn't finish until almost four in the morning. So the three of us gathered some firewood for the fire and left three chairs for us in the props department to doze around. It was the middle of nowhere and there were snakes, insects and ants, but she was a very bold and easy-going girl, which is not possible for actors nowadays. I remember that in the early hours of the morning, I was filming until four or five o'clock and went home to sleep. She said it was true and told me to get up. I couldn't tell you how I felt at that time, but I listened to the story for a long time and still had a feeling in my heart that I hoped it was a misreport and didn't believe it was true. But even if I didn't believe it, it still happened. It was still a very sad time for me, as we were such close friends.
劉丹(洪七公飾演者) 翁美玲很可愛,早上開工的時候,我們都會抱一抱,親一親。她學東西也很快,拍戲時有什麼說一下馬上就懂得了。她平時玩起來也很瘋的。那幾年前後有幾部戲我也跟她有合作,所以大家很熟。記得拍《天師執位》的時候,有一次我和翁美玲、苗僑偉在西貢郊區拍外景,拍到凌晨差不多四點才收工,但我們一想,天一亮還要來這裡拍,那不如別走了。於是三個人就撿來一些柴來燒火,再讓道具部留下三張椅子給我們,大家就圍著那堆火打打瞌睡。那是荒山野嶺,會有蛇蟲鼠蟻啊,但她膽子很大,是一個很隨和的女孩子,現在的演員就沒可能這樣了。記得出事那天凌晨,我拍戲到四五點才收工回家睡覺,早上八點就忽然被老婆叫醒,說翁美玲死了,我說有沒有搞錯啊,怎麼拿這種事來說笑!她說是真的,讓我趕緊起來。當時的感覺真的是說不出來,就是聽了很久,心裡還有一種感覺,希望這是錯誤報導,不相信這是真的。但是不相信歸不相信,事實還是發生了。那段時間心裡還是很難過,大家是那麼熟的朋友。
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