19830802 WKYP YML admires Ann Hui

Revised headline: 

1983 August 2: 

Hui On-Wah Ann wears casual clothes

Yung Mei Ling admires her

Yung Mei Ling hopes she will have a chance to act together in a film with Ann.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報

Date: 1983年8月2日

Yesterday, Yung Mei Ling had a photoshoot for “The man in the middle”.  She said that in this tv series she acts as a mature lady, which is a completely different character from her role in “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”.  She likes this new role very much. 

At the night of 31st July, Yung Mei Ling visisted with Tong Chun Yip "The 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards - Nomination Announcement” which was held at Academic Community Hall.  Yung Mei Ling said that she admires Hui On-Wah Ann. All the guests were well-dressed but Ann Hui worn casual clothes at this event.  Yung Mei Ling admired for her easy-going attitude. Does that meant they will be doing a movie together with her?  Yung Mei Ling said that she hopes she is going to act in a movie too.  But to protect her image she has rejected many offers for playing in a movie. 

After returning from Europe, she loves to sing. She realized that she is interested now in singing.  And she hopes she can record her own vinyl disc. 

 (thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

see also:

1983 August 1: Photo shoot for TV-series The man in the middle

Wikipedia Ann Hui (許鞍華)

1983 July 31: Presentation Hong Kong film awards

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Yesterday, the actors and actresses had a photoshoot pictures for “The man in the middle”.  Here are just a few of the actors.

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Picture: This is a first time that Yung Mei Ling will work together with Melvin Wong Kam Sang.  She praise Melvin for his great charm as a gentleman.

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