
On March 25, 1984, "Overseas Chinese Daily" reported. ​

Yung Mei Ling is randomly selected as juror when she is abroad for performance

A few days ago, police officers entered TVB  to look for Yung Mei Ling. The reason was that she was selected as a jury member, but she did not attend, and she did not inform the relevant parties that she would not attend. This seems to be a contempt of court. The relevant parties hoped that she could give an explanation.

Yesterday, Yung Mei Ling returned from TVB Makeup, when asked about the incident, she said that she was not in Hong Kong (she went to Singapore) at that time, and she did not receive any notification, so she did not know about it.

And she didn't understand why she was so "lucky" to be drawn, but she didn't see her name in the Mark Six Lottery.  

After coming back from the stage Yung Mei Ling has been resting. The scandal of naked photos has come to an end.

In early April, she will participate in the filming of the new drama "The Rusty Bridge King" produced by Qiu Jiaxiong. The new drama is her collaboration with Miu Kiu Wai.

The two will meet for the third time. Yung Mei Ling said with a smile: When she met Miu Kiu Wai, Miu Kiu Wai would always point to her and say, "It's you again!" Often she is arranged to play with Miu Kiu Wai, and she still likes it.

​ 日前,曾有警方人员进入无线找寻翁美玲,原因是她被抽中担任陪审团团员,但没有出席,也没有知会有关方面说不出席,此举似有藐视法庭之嫌,有关方面希望她解释。




Source: https://media.weibo.cn/article?object_id=1022%3A2309404256317358379675&luicode=10000011&lfid=1076035399158146&id=2309404256317358379675


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