19840320 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01

Yung Mei Ling denies that taking sexy pictures is a reprisal towards Tong Chun Yip, Yung Mei Ling expressed that she was betrayed by someone.  She hopes that TVB will accept her explanation.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報

Date: 1983年3月20日

Because of the sexy clothes photos, Yung Mei Ling got a lot of public attention.  Yesterday, she was back to Hong Kong. She returned from shows on stage in Thailand. Tong Chun Yips’s brother (Tong Chun Chung) picked her up at airport. There were also and some fans, wearing school uniforms.

Yung Mei Ling said that the fans in Thailand were very enthusiastic.  During the show, the fans were already singing even though Yung Mei Ling had not yet started to sing yet. Yung Mei Ling was very touched by this.

Regarding to the sexy clothes photos, Yung Mei Ling said that it was not her fault and these photos are not a big deal.  Besides, she denied that these photos were for revenge. 

Yung Mei Ling said she was invited to take photos.  She instructed the photographer not to publish any sexy photos that were taken accidentally.  However, they did not keep their promise.  She cannot believe that this has such a lot attention from the public.  She emphasised that it was not her fault and she was just betrayed.

Yung Mei Ling seriously denied that these photos were taken as a revenge for the porn movie of Tong Chun Yip. She admitted she did not like the porn movie of Tong Chun Yip.  However, she understands this is his job and she believes that Tong Chun Yip will understand her. 

As to TVB, she will give them explanation.  She cannot control if TVB accepts her explanation.

(Thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

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