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Dear Mommy, Uncle & Shela,
I have received the pictures from uncle & I have given them to Wah Jai ( Felix Wong) I heard that May May gave birth to 5 puppies, so have you taken pictures for them? Are you going to keep all of them? When I come back next time, maybe they can form a line to welcome me home? How cute will that be!
The production for "The Foundation" has begun, & it should be done by the end of November. It's most likely that I will go to perform show in Thailand on December. Anyway, Ken & I are invited to go to an opening ceremony at Singapore on 19th this month, & we will be back by 21st. Thus, we are recently busy at practicing songs besides working on the TV dramas. Since I will be on my own for the show in Thailand, I cannot make any mistakes. I think I should be given the "honor of courage" this time!
I will participate in the coming anniversary show for TVB on 19th November, don't know what I will perform this time? Nevertheless, I am very busy. I have not met Ah Ku for a month, but we still keep in touch through phones. She asked me when I will be back to UK, so she can accompany with me. I think she probably wants to work in UK, so maybe you can ask Ling Chi to keep an eye for her.
Now, I only have one wish -- it's the opportunity to take part in films, but I don't know when TVB will let me do this. Indeed, Siu Si (The film company own by TVB) has invited Felix & I to take part in the film, " Fai Wu Or Chu". However, TVB only allowed Felix to work on the film, not me! How frustrating is it! Anyway, I know I can complain anymore. After all, I am the luckiest one among all since I entered the showbiz. People said that my case is really exceptional. It is because many people have to struggle for a long period in the showbiz before they are granted the opportunities, but now I can achieve that much in a short period of time. If I still complain, many people will beat me up! Now, I only worry if I can handle my job & keep on improving. After all, showbiz is very worldly; if you have no improvement, you are out. Also, HK people are materialistic, & they only care about fame, Anyway, I will take good care of myself, don't worry.
Heard that Shela is pregnant, congrats! I hope that you can bring uncle & us happiness, since children can really bring pleasure & joy to a family. I wish you all happiness from miles away. Also, mommy, you should take good care & take more rest. Remember to go to your health appt on scheduled date, & take everything easy! Don't worry too much on trivial matters! If I can take time off, I will definitely come back, don't worry about me. Please take care, take care!! Also, please say hi to Dad & everybody.
Oct 18th, 1983
泰國登台自稱要捧勇氣獎~83/10/18 無論在螢幕或台上,亞翁與亞苗都有合作的機會。 Performed show in Thailand
舅舅寄來的照片已收到,也給了華仔他們,聽說MAY MAY生了五隻狗仔,也為他們影相嗎?是不是把狗兒都留下呢?到時成群排隊出來迎接我,多得意,近日已開拍玄武門,要到十一月尾才拍完。相信我多數十二月去泰國登台,今月十九號我和亞湯被請去新加坡剪綵,二十一號才回港,所以除忙拍戲之外,近日勤練歌;因為泰國之行是個人登台,就是唔衰得。這回是要得個勇氣獎了。
女兒 囡囡上