Yung Mei Ling (翁美玲)
Hong Kong 1959 - 1974
Pictures 1959 - 1974
Letters to her mother in England 1973 and 1974
Articles 1959 - 1974
England 1974 -1982
Pictures 相片 from Rob
Pictures 1974 - 1982 made by family and others
Stories Barbara's life 1976 - 1982 年的故事
Answers to questions 问题
Memories from others who met Barbara
Places with memories 故地
Cambridge city
Trumpington, Robs house
Barbara's grave
Cambridge visits from 2011 onwards
Hong Kong 1982 -1985
1986 and later
Archive Barbara's life
Pictures taken in Hong Kong period 1982 -1985
Newspaper articles
Magazine articles
Radio appearances
Meeting artists and other famous people
Locations Hong Kong
Locations in England
Barbara’s Letters to her family (翁美玲家書集) 1982 -1985
Barbara's art work
Portraits of Barbara painted by her uncle
Barbara's grave in Cambridge
Working for TVB
Hong Kong 1960's and 1970's
Website information
This website in the news 報導
News items on website
Other websites
Guestbook 留言
You are here:
England 1974 -1982
Stories Barbara's life 1976 - 1982 年的故事
Stories Barbara's life (年的故事 1976 - 1982) by Rob
01. How we met, 我们是怎么相识的 (1976)
02. Meting Bill 遇见比尔 (1976)
03. First time to Histon 第一次去希斯顿 (1976)
04. Chinese new year 中国新年 (1977)
05. Different friends 不同的朋友 (1977)
06. Life at the CCAT 在CCAT的生活 (1977)
07. Family life 家庭生活 (1977)
08. Planning to go on holiday 计划去度假 (1977)
09. The holiday 假期 (1977)
10. The first time 第一次 (1977)
11. Formally introduced 正式介绍 (1977)
12. Trying to see each other 尝试见对方 (1977)
13. Nearly discovered 差点被发现 (1977)
14. Summer holiday 暑假 (1977)
15. 'our' apartment “我们”的公寓 (1977)
16. More worries (1977)
17. Bath evening and sunday diner 洗浴夜和周日晚餐 (1977)
18. Strange phonecall 奇怪的通话 1978
19. A new Year and a taste of a different life 新年新生活 (1977)
20. Happy days 幸福时光 1978
21. Typical Barbara 我眼中的美玲 1978
22. Just correcting 糾正 1978
23. Birthday party 生日聚会 1978
24. Barbara's driving 1978
25. Cats and dogs 猫猫狗狗 1978
26. Meeting mum 与美玲妈妈见面 1978
27. France 法国 1978
28. Going to London 去伦敦 1978
29. She did it again 1978 又一次(自杀)
31. Engaged 订婚 1979
32. Our car 我们的车 1979
34. Italy Venice 意大利威尼斯 1979
30. Steady times 平稳的生活 1979
35. Food 食物 1979
36. Waiting 等待 1979
37. Back to Norwich 回到诺维克 (Norwich) 1979
38. Changes 改变 1980
38. Miss Chinatown contest 华埠小姐选美 1980
39. Breaking up 分手 1980
40. Life without Barbara 没有Barbara的日子 1980
41. The letter 信 1981
42. Back together again 复合 1981
43. How we changed 我们如何改变 1981
44. Breaking up again 再次分手 1981
45. Looking for Barbara 寻找 Barbara 1983
46. Final goodbye 最后的告别 1986
47. What happened to me 我的后来 2011
48. A last question 最后一个问题 2011
2016 june 23: Meeting Barbara’s family again.