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11 months ago
Thank you Rob, this website certainly brings me down memory lane. In those days nobody talk about mental health. It gives me comfort to know Barbara has someone like you whom truly loves and cares for her in her short life. It seem like she has simple wish for her life yet she has complex emotion and at times she is in a dark space. I think only you were able to give her stability. Entertainment industry is certainly not the right path for her- all the pressures, limelight, public gossips and men (&women) whom fool around. She didn’t seems to even had time to enjoy her fame in that short 3 years in HK having work around the clock. I had a similar background but not the fame. I worked in my family’s business during every spare minute and then during school holiday, I was given no pocket money yet has to work full time for my family. I left my birth country and moved to Australia and never look back since. Thank you for your effort in creating this website, seems a lot of hardwork you put in especially with the language barrier with Chinese. And most all all you’ve maintain this website all these years. I thought you mentioned you have a Facebook also, can I pls ask for the link. Thanks once again
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Rob Radboud
11 months ago
Hi Luna,
Thank you for your comment. I guess with your background you understand more the problems Barbara had to face and the decisions she made. And yes the Chinese language is a big hurdle for me to take. Therefore I am so glad that Kitty is translating the newspaper articles for me at the moment. It gives me so much more information about her life of fame. I am a low profile person, I don’t like to be in the spotlight, therefore I am not on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media anymore . But I always can be reached by mail, if you have any questions. See de contact page on this website.
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1 year ago
妳去世哪一天當年我才6歲...現在我也43歲了...每隔一段時間都會想起妳...妳飾演黃蓉一角至今沒人能夠超越 願妳安息
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3 years ago
阿翁女神 永远在我心中,太可惜了 :cry:
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3 years ago
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