19820607 1WahKiuYatPo


19820607 2WahKiuYatPo


Last week, TVB hosted a cocktail party on June 5th to meet thirty contestants, after which they arranged for them to test their lines. Five of them were selected for the TVB audition (including Barbara Yung, Winnie Wang, and Shirley Ng). This test mainly assessed their response and expression abilities. Although they had no acting experience, their experience in beauty pageants made them very calm in front of the camera.

TVB already has an artist training class, but they are still looking for new talent in various ways. According to TVB insiders, the network’s programs are diverse and require different types of artists. Their participation in Miss Hong Kong auditions is merely due to program needs, and the training class will not be affected. Meanwhile, TVB insiders do not wish for the top three Miss Hong Kong winners to be selected, as they do not want them to be distracted by acting from their pageant activities.

Barbara Yung expressed that she was not very confident about being selected and that she preferred to be a hostess. She felt that her voice was not strong enough for acting in dramas. (Ultimately, Barbara changed her stance on her interests, possibly realizing that being a hostess was not suitable for her.)

Barbara Yung: "If I join TVB, I will consider staying in Hong Kong to develop my career." Barbara Yung stated that the audition was mainly to test their hosting skills, but she personally preferred acting (??) because she felt her voice was not good enough and lacked confidence in being a hostess. She is from the UK, and if she gets the chance to join TVB in the future, she would consider staying in Hong Kong to develop her career.

Barbara Yung auditioned as a hostess, claiming that her voice is not loud: Yesterday, five Miss Hong Kong contestants who did not win entered the TVB audition. After the audition, Barbara Yung said that she was a hostess yesterday, but she liked acting because she understood that her voice was not loud enough, which put her at a disadvantage as a hostess.

无线于上周酒会(6月5日)设酒会接见三十位佳丽,之后安排他们测试念对白。最终有五位入选无线试镜(翁美玲 王佩玲 吴夏萍等)。这次主要考验他们的应对能力以及表达能力,虽然他们没有演出经验,但参加过选美的经历使得他们面对镜头也非常的镇定。 无线已有艺员训练班,但仍在各方面物色新人。据无线内部人员说明:无线节目多元化,应用不同类型的艺员,他们同港姐试镜不过是因节目需要,训练班不会因此受到影响。同时无线内部人员不希望入选三甲港姐,原因在于不希望他们因为演出而分心选美。 翁美玲表示:她对入选的信心不大,她喜欢做司仪。因为演剧集,自己的中气不足。(最后阿翁的对于兴趣言辞有过更改,估计是发现了做司仪对自己来说不合适。) 2.翁美玲:“若加入无线,则考虑留港发展”:翁美玲表示,试镜形式是以考验司仪方面为主,她自己则喜欢演戏(??),因为她认为自己的声音不好,做司仪没有信心,她来自英国,如果日后有机会加入无线,她会有机会留港发展。3. 翁美玲试镜做司仪,自称嗓音不嘹亮:昨日,五位落选港姐入无线试镜。翁美玲在试镜后表示,昨天她做的是司仪,但是她本人喜欢的是表演,因为她明白自己的嗓音不够嘹亮,做司仪是很吃亏的。 欢迎讨论与指正

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