19830221 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01

Mui Kui Wai volunteered to work as chauffeur to drive Tong Chun Yip up to the Peak for an intimate talk with Yung Mei Ling

Do remind Yung Mei Ling to offer hush money next time to Mui Kui Wah.

During Lunar New year, Mui Kui Wai volunteered to work as chauffeur and played gooseberry.  One night, he drove Tong Chun Yip and Yung Mei Ling to the peak where they had an intimate conversation. He excitedly expressed that when he left they were in their own little world.  Besides, he felt like being non-existent as they kept on kissing each other.


Newspaper Name: 華僑日報
Date: 1983年2月21日

(thanks to Kitty for sending me and translating this article)

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