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On the 15th of October three of the five tigers were interviewde in the TV-show "T.V live telling Maria". At two stage during the interview they talked about Barbara. 

In the first part Michael Miu described how his left eye was injured by Barbara swinging the "green cane" in a fight. In the Loch Barbara also suffered an eye injury in a fighting scene and was hospitalised. 

(The "green cane", also known as the "beat dog cane" is the top KungFu of the Beggar Union master and passed on by the master to Barbara so she can lead the union after his retirement.)

In the second part the tigers described their feelings about Barbara's death suicide. Here Kent Tong made a judgement regarding Barbara's suicide. He said,"She was a very clever girl, but its her cleverness which led to her demise."

Part 1 where Michael Miu talks about his eye injury caused by Barbara

20171015 interview 5 tigers part01



Part 2 where the tigers talk about dealing with Barbara's suicide

20171015 interview 5 tigers part02


The whole interview can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K07zD3RR4U4&app=desktop

For more information in English about Kent Tong (wikipedia)

For more information in English about Michael Miu (wikipedia)

For more information in English about Felix Wong (wikipedia)

(thanks to Chak for finding this interview and to eblc2006 for subtitling the video and providing background information)


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