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Sent: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 23:02
Subject: Barbara

Hello Rob
I was just coming back from visiting Barbara grave again, I had tidy up a bit since last time, I guess her birthday had gone, all the flowers that layed there had died. I had put some more fresh flower down for her, I will trim down her rose bush next time.

I am a quiet person, I don't get involved with Chinese people, beside my family of course, all my friends are English. I am a fan of Barbara, not like some who really worship her. I am very interested in what you wrote. Her life style before she became famous is very much like my old life style. In my younger days our backgrounds are similar. I used to work in a take away, my family still owns one. I even told my brother "wow she is one of us, she come from the background like us"- meaning working in the shop for all hours, family that doesn't care, you just had to be strong and look after yourself.

Chinese people like to gamble, that is why young Chinese don't get much love and attention, thinking sent their children marry other Chinese, so they can take over the Chinese takeaway and make more money. I know because my family is like that. Of course there are some well educated Chinese families, they understand their children more (excuses my spelling, it is not that good).

I don't bother with the Chinese community, I spend all my life looking after my disable child, it is best not to mix with the Chinese. I am very happy living in a very very quiet village, away from the gossip, just me and my daughters.

Chinese people are too nosey, they want to know what going on in your life. I am a single parent, looking after 1 - able daughter ( she just finished her 3 years university) and 1 - disable daughter. She needs my full attention, you see, Chinese men/people don't like disable children, that is why my ex left, he just didn't like to mention us. We were just invisible in his eyes.

14 years ago, when my oldest daughter was still young , my ex husband take my daughter to a Chinese school, I remember only one time we go to the Chinese new year party held at the secondary school. Since then we/I never get involved anymore. I am in my own world, I don't really go away much, because of my daughter.

Rob do keep up the good work, you are such a romantic person, I can't even remember my past, maybe with my horrible marriage, that is why I don't want to remember !

best wishes


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13 years ago
Do you think fashion is the necessity of an attractive personality? I will never agree with you.
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13 years ago
I am only a few years younger than Barbara Yung, and have a very similar background as her - started living in a Western society since I was a teenager and originally come from HK. But from what I have read about her so far, I found myself not being able to understand her. She seemed to be extremely stubborn and old-fashioned - not a very attractive personality. Maybe one really can't have everything.
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