Tong Chun Yip played in a porn movie. From hearsay, Yung Mei Ling is dissatisfied.
Newspaper Name: 華僑日報
Date: 1984年3月3日
From hearsay, the relationship between Yung Mei Ling and Tong Chun Yip has been broken. They give each other the silent treatment. A journalist asked Yung Mei Ling if it is truth. But, Yung Mei Ling denies it.
Yung Mei Ling said that they have arguments occasionally but this was normal to every love couple. Is there any love couple that has no arguments? However, each time after an argument they soon get back on track. Till this time they have never refused to listen to what the other had to say, so now (with the silent treatment) is a very serious situation.
Recently, Tong Chun Yip had an astonishing sexual scene with Cherie Chung Chor Hung in the movie of “Maybe Its Love”. Does Yung Mei Ling mind? She says: “I don’t mind, only if it doesn’t affect his reputation, I don’t mind.” However, her tone of voice sounds that she seems to be dissatisfied.
Picture: Yung Mei Ling and Agnes Chiang Lai Ping. Their beautiful appearance is different.
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