Lee Heung Kam consoled Yung Mei Ling’s mother.  She has now calmed down.  為了契女逝世心緒不寧.李香琴慰問翁母.覺其情緒已平靜

Picture:  Yung Mei Ling's eyes were shinning.  It shows her character.  

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報 

Date: 1985年5月22日

On 20 May 1985, Lee Heung Kam (“Kam jiě”) consoled Yung Mei Ling’s mother (“Yung’s mama “) by phone.  However, Yung Mei Ling’s mother could not stop crying.  Yesterday, Kam jiě phoned her again and Yung Mei Ling’s mother had calmed down. 

Kam jiě said that Yung’s mama had given her UK address and hoped that she will visit her later.  Yung’s mama’s health did not seem well so she plans to give her some Chinese herbal with high nutritious value and bring along it to UK.

Since Yung Mei Ling (“Ah Yung) was left, Kam jiě cannot sleep well.  Apart from a kiosk owner, Ah Yung’s fans had also consoled her.  Kam jiě expressed that she was very sad when playing in the tv series (The Feud That Never Was) as her nominal daughter (Ah Yung) did not complete this tv series.  Besides, when she enters Clear Water Bay film studio, it reminded her of Ah Yung. 

Kam jiě said her nominal daughter (Ah Yung) was sitting on the pavement after filming at night of the 14 May1985.  Due to the light, she could not see her face clearly.  However the public lighting there was sufficient. So she asked the operational staff to see if there has a problem.  They just expressed that she was worried.

However, when Kam jiě watched Ah Yung’s recent pictures, she realised that Ah Yung eyes were not shinning as when she was a new joiner.  Probably she was very unhappy.  Kam jiě hopes that public does not hold Tong Chun Yip accountable.

(thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)


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