Barbara's letter early august 1982

1982 August: Magazine interview, "I still like to play drama."

1982 August: Magazine article by Yung Mei Ling, 'The Man Who Loves Me (錫我的人)'

1982 August 12: Newspaper article, "Yung Mei Ling competes with Miss HK Pageant finalist Leung."

Barbara's letter 12 august 1982

1982 August: Video of the audition highlights for the ideal Huang Rong (1982年《射雕英雄传》理想黄蓉竞选试镜花絮)

1982 August 24, Newspaper article, "Yung Mei Ling will have the most chance as she has a pretty appearance and big shiny eyes."

1982 August: Pictures of photo shoot for magazine K-100 Pictorial

Barbara's letter 31 august 1982



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