{jcomments on}

Although we have been together for 26 years we never decided to get married, therefore formally she is still my girlfriend (marriage is not big thing in the Netherlands).

She knows about my relation with Barbara and understands why I am doing this. But she is not very interested. She did say 'I be more worried if Barbara was still alive!".

My oldest daughter (she is 17) finds its really cool that her father made a website and put videos on You Tube. But she is mainly interested in the visitors count and the many different countries that visit the site. My other two daughters show no interest and they only find it annoying that I use the computer more often now.

尽管我们在一起24年了,我们还没有正式结婚,因此严格说起来她还是我的女朋友(结婚在荷兰不是特别受重视的)。她知道我和Barbara的关系,也了解我为什么这么做。但她也不感兴趣。她曾经说过, "如果Barbara现在还活着的话,我会更担心。"

我的大女儿(15岁了)觉得老爸做了网站,还在you tube上传视频是件很酷的事情。但她更感兴趣的是点击量,有来自多少个国家的访问者。我的另外两个女儿没有什么兴趣,觉得我更常要用电脑很麻烦。





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3 years ago
Hi, "我的另外两个没有女儿什么兴趣" has a typo, it should be "我的另外两个女儿没有什么兴趣"

Thank you for putting up and maintaining this site. I am very touched by your act. Such a beautiful life, we should celebrate it!

Best wishes to you and your family.
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3 years ago
Thank you, I changed it.
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5 years ago
Your wife is of good humour. I guess she should be credit for your openness on Barbara's stories. I'm of a younger generation and just started to watch Barbara's work. The TV series was so outdated but her performance and her being still gave me lot of inspiration. I'm lucky to find this website. Thanks for sharing.
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13 years ago
Don't know if im speaking too much here. But do NOT go literally by ur wife's words "I be more worried if Barbara was still alive!"

She might never say... but you need to understand :)
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Shirley from USA
13 years ago
There's always going to be a certain spot in your heart for a special someone who had slipped away. It just happened that yours became a celebrity. I'm so glad your family is so understanding, this website is great and I'm a new fan!
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Lau Wai Loong
13 years ago
To be love by a star that has hundred of thousand fan through out asia. Lot of people will no doubt like to be you. You are at the right time and the right place. Destiny is always funny. No wonder people always said just do it don't have doubt. A few year with her, create a life time of memory. I give anything to be you!
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13 years ago
:D i think this is such a romantic gesture u hv done! and u hv certainly show ppl things we never knew about barbara...the day she passed away, it was a major scandal in hk; and ppl kept guessing why she did that...but years afterwards, it's her lovely face and great performance that we miss...
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13 years ago
you my hero
ROD,,, and also thank you to your current wife for understanding... without you... we wouldn't able to understand more about yum mei ling... at least you had a good and beautiful love story to tell the world... i can't think of anyone who don't know her... yum mei ling is ASI{A worldwide...
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13 years ago
:lol: NATIONALITY? ok , I am a canadian borned in China.
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14 years ago
It's really interesting reading your story with Barbara. She was such a dear, I love watching her dramas. I am also very touched by your relationship with Barbara, and everything seem to be so endearing. It must have been really bad for you to know that Barbara left UK for HK to build up her career there. All the best to you Rob, cheers!
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14 years ago
Hi Rob,
Please tell us what you, your wife/life partner, children do during your leisure hours in Netherlands. How's life there? Relaxed?, hectic?, lots of social benefits? etc etc. How many working days per week?
>> Tell us someday when you finish Barbara's stories.
>> Do you all eat Chinese food?
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14 years ago
Thanks.We are very happy to read about your family.
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14 years ago
Such a little account can make such a big impact. I really ejoyed reading the answer to this question. Thanks again!
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14 years ago
This, and many other, questions may seem a little odd to you Rob, but they are truly Chinese style (no offense, I'm a Chinese myself) :lol:
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14 years ago
Thanks for expressing your thoughts!
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14 years ago
:lol: I like your wife's comment. I'm sure she said it half-jokingly ;)

Great job, and I want to echo the other readers' comments. I like how you respect all interested (and uninterested) parties in all of your postings. Keep up the great work.

Thanks for expressing your thoughts!

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14 years ago
i think this is really cool if your relatives knew you used to date with such a celebrity. i guess there's more people on the planet know Barbara than some normal British stars.
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14 years ago
you should be proud of your self, you've put a lot of effort into this website.
its been a long time since Barbara died, a lot of young chinese people wouldn't know who she was, but you making everyone rememing her is a good thing.
keep up the hard work !
;-) Dom.
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