{jcomments on}

When I made myself know in januari 2010 some fans mailed me and asked me about my memories of Barbara. I started writing down my memories. As those fans read more stories, they noticed that a Barbara appeared they never knew that had existed. As one fan wrote 'reading the stories is like pealing an onion, every story is removing a layer from the Barbara known to the public getting closer to the Barbara as she was in real life'.

Then the discussion started what to do with these memories. The fans had very different opinions. as one fan wrote "I have no doubt that there are still so many people interested in her. We all have fond memories about her, even after so many years. Meanwhile, I personally feel that we shall both respect her and her family's privacy and be very careful in releasing any thing might hurt her/them. Your may have no idea about how crazy those HK reporters were and still are." While another fan said beautifully "Barbara was both private and public so who is to say your stories of her and your past should not be shared. It's only fair to think that you were a prominent part of her short life and your story should be documented in order to salvage her humanity. Ultimately, my thoughts are it's been almost 25 years since her death. She deserves to be remembered and known in different light. Any stories you tell is not going to shatter any reputation she built. She was an idol - every idol has flaws (she was human). We all are but she just had a bit more of sparkle the world was deprived of too soon."

I think that the fans of Barbara that remained fan even after 25 years are very special fans and not the sensation seeking gossip fans. For those fans I made this website. To show what kind of wonderful and complex person Barbara really was, who did not have an easy life. Maybe it will make people understand more why she made certain (dramatic) decisions in her life



我想, 在25年后还能追随Barbara的影迷们是非常特殊的。他们不会是追求轰动新闻和八卦的影迷。为了这些影迷们,我做了这个网站。

(thanks to Natalie for the translation)

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3 years ago
Thank you for your site. Barbara is my first favorite tv star when I am still in elementary school. I use all my pocket money bought lot of her pictures. Still miss her after all these years.
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5 years ago
Hi Rob,

It says "savage her humanity", wouldn't it rather be "salvage her humanity"?
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5 years ago
You are right, I corrected it. Thanks
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Carrie Long
8 years ago
I was only 7 years old when I first saw Legend of the Condor Heroes.
Despite so many remakes, the Huang Rong played by Barbara is etched so deeply in my heart. Till now, she's forever immortalized as the pretty, witty and playful Huang Rong and not one actress could even come close to her stellar performance. And even now, when I re-watch this series, it'd still be the best series made by HK TVB ever, despite the limitations and lack of CGIs.
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8 years ago
good job rob
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8 years ago
really appreciate for you did!
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9 years ago
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
I feel so sad for Babara. Probably the most happy time was those that she was in love and be loved. She was so lovely and happy girl in front of people, while actrually what she is lonely and sad inside. What she need was a peaceful family life which she never had.
It has been nearly 30 year past, but I still love the role she played.
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John Ryan
11 years ago
Thank You Rob ! (",)
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11 years ago
Hi Rob,

Thanx 4 sharing your memories of Barbara. I definitely understand Barbara a lot more now. Happy to hear she once had such a romantic story, tho deeply inside, I wished she had more faith in u. Yet, things happen for a reason, I would have never found such an Idol, 1 of its kind. Btw, I save every picture, magazine, article, cassette tape, video tape, vcd, dvd of Barbara that comes across me. Therefore, I greatly appreciate your hard work putting this website 2gether 4 fans like me. Just wondering, if you can send me the picture of Barbara on the right side of you site's background. Rob,taking good care of yaself & ya love ones is fulfilling Barbara's dreams. Barbara, there will always be a place 4 u deeply in my heart. Truly miss u, Luv 4ever!
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11 years ago
thank you for your comment. Barbara's boyfriend in 1974 gave me that picture.
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11 years ago
FYI, Hoover Tsui is his name. Check him out on youtube. Apparently, Barbara has not been fogotten,... I really wished she knew how much we all love her.
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12 years ago
TVB in HK has interviewed so many people regarding BY's past and their theory of what led her to suicide. It would be cool to see you being interview since you know her quite well in the past...way better than those that has been interviewed. Would you be interest in doing something like that?
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12 years ago
I know you're planning on writing the book...I can't wait and hope you can reveal a few of the answers here if possible. BY is still well-known in China & HK and tons of ppl would love to buy your book, so pls help the fans! They will be so grateful and appreciate you deeply!
When you were w/ BY...did you wonder she would ever be such great actress?
how many yrs did you dated her and how did you guys start, where did you met her?
how did you propose?
what caused the break-up?
did you kept in touch w/ her after she moved to HK? did you know she was going to the beauty paegent?
do you understand any cantonese?
Does your family love her?
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12 years ago
Rob, you are sweet for making this website and you must have the memory of an elephant! ahah
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13 years ago
Sincere thanks for sharing these.. something like this brings me closer to my girl-friend :)

god bless you..(hope this blog lives as barbara lives over the decades)
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13 years ago
Rob, I want to thank you for sharing all your memories about Barbara with us. She has been in my heart for more than 25 years. Your memory about her just deepens my love to her. We thank God for such an angel even came to the world
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Shirley from USA
13 years ago
Hi Rob, I am so glad to come across your website last night via Youtube. I cannot stop browsing through your memory paths, knowing more about Barbara. I hope her family will understand and appreciate your sincere feelings of the past.
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13 years ago
Barbara Yung is one og my fave since I was in the fifth grade. I was so sad when I heard she passed away. Thank you for created this website, Rob.
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14 years ago
I was having an elemis facial today in my hometown of Cambridge and the therapist that served me happened to live in Histon, so I asked about the chip shop and she told me that the chip shop is still there, and has been owned by the same family for at lease 15 years years - and owned by a famous artist! 8) mmm....i wonder is it continue from barbara family!! :-?
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14 years ago
I love those comments here in this post :lol: So, Rob, you just brought yourself more homework - we all want your fully elaborated version of stories :P All right, maybe we'll give you a couple of days to recover from the soccer game :D
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14 years ago
wow wow wow !! Rob, it is exactly how you fry chip in a chip shop, i am very impress how you remember 30 years ago, i guess the style havent change much, i used to work and own one many moon ago. :P
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14 years ago
nooo it's not boring at all. i'd rather read them in a dialogue format. (if u can remember) it's more detailed, paints a clearer picture in my mind and also allows me to form my own opinion. it's like watching a movie as opposed to reading a book. anyways both are fun keep 'em comming... :-)

on another note, i know the octopus picked spain :sad: but i really hope he is wrong this time. go Netherlands!!!!! :lol:
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14 years ago
Rob, Did u take any family videos of yourself with Barbara during those days in England?. If u did, that will be really precious.
Your "Frying chips" story is not boring at all. It is actually hillarious. Barbara is good at directing you. I particulary like the part she "tell you to work faster". I do the same thing to my HUSBAND in the kitchen. He can figure out very complex technical issues. But he is king of lost in the kitchen!
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14 years ago
The story about frying the chips is not boring at all. I find it quite funny ;-)
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14 years ago
Not only the memory, the photos are well kept and organised.
Can tell that Rob had gone through something unusual, and he really treasure those days.
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