19840409 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsArticle01

Yung Mei Ling arranged her fans to come to TVB city to see her acting in “United We Stand”.  Since there was a sudden change in the schedule, a group of fans needed to wait at the gate for more than an hour.

Newspaper Name:  華僑日報

Date: 1984年4月9日

Yesterday, Yung Mei Ling invited a group of fans to visit her when she was acting in “United We Stand”. 

Yung Mei Ling invited her fans to meet up at TVB city.  However, she suddenly changed the schedule and did not inform to gate guard in time, so her fans stood outside of the gate for a few hours.  Yung Mei Ling felt sorry for that. 

The filming progress of “United We Stand” is so tight. How can Yung Mei Ling still have time to meet her fans?  She explained that she had not met her fan in a long time.  So she invited her fans to meet her at the studio..  Next month is her birthday.  Her fans will have be invited for a birthday party.   They can come together to celebrate her birthday. 

With regards to sexy clothes photos of Yung Mei Ling, her fan says: “They don’t believe Yung Mei Ling took the sexy clothes photo deliberately, therefore they trust her explanation.”  It seems that her fans are quite protective towards Yung Mei Ling.  Some fans said that this case was over and they hope not to be reminded of this case again.

(Thanks to Kitty for the article and the translation)

19840409 WahKiuYatPo OverseasChineseDailyNewsPage

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